COVID-19 Vaccination Pass
Al-Ameen has elected to use vaccination certificate for our Jumaah Prayer. This is to allow our masjid to function at its best capacity within current restriction, and in turn, allowing our community to flourish again.
We encourage anyone in the community who hasn't been vaccinated to get one ASAP. The booster dose is also now available if you have had your second vaccination several months ago.
If you have been vaccinated with two shots, please download the vaccine pass through website and save it somewhere easy to access either on your phone, or print it to keep it in your wallet.
Get your pass ready for scan when you arrive at the masjid. Please be respectful and be nice to brothers and sisters manning the door and checking your passes. You will be also asked to scan the QR code prior to entering as well.
Face mask is required to enter the masjid, and please keep this on properly (covering your mouth and your nose) at all times while you are inside.
Remember: Access to Jumaah Prayer at Al-Ameen will only be granted those who have proof of COVID-19 vaccination pass.
JumUah Prayer at Al-Ameen
Everyone MUST wear a mask at all times in the masjid.
You MUST scan the QR code at the entrance as well as you come in.
Only brothers, boys age 10 years old and above are allowed to come in for Jumaah.
You must have vaccination pass to come for Jumaah prayer, and this will be checked at the entrance by our volunteers.
Please come ready with wudhu, and use your toilet at home.
This week will be the last week we following current Jumaah setting, InshaAllah from next week (Friday 1 April 2022) we will be able to open up Jumaah a bit more, and sisters will be able to attend Jumaah as well, just in time for Ramadan alhamdulillah.